Participants in high school sports and performing arts are under tremendous pressure these days – from parents, teachers, coaches and peers. Their days are consumed with school, sports and activities. They are trying to figure out who they are and who they want to be – all while having to compare themselves to everyone else on social media. It’s easy to see why high school students have a lot on their plates … and their minds.
It is time for all of us to turn our attention to these students, including the activity participants at schools in Arkansas. Empathy is so important. No matter who you are—a parent, teacher, coach, athletic administrator, performing arts director or anyone else who interacts with teens—we can all play a part in looking out for them.
That’s why the AAA and the NFHS are launching the #WeSeeYou Campaign. Together, we want to create a culture of caring in our school communities – one where everyone feels seen and supported, especially our students.
Our message: No matter what challenges you’re facing, we see you. We support you. And we’re here for you